Cherry Blossoms, Pirates and Swamp Monsters
Today was a very busy day for N. First Sunday School, where he made a seder plate; then a birthday party for his friend Paul – knight and pirate themed; then a 5:30 baseball game that went til 7:30. Late…
Today was a very busy day for N. First Sunday School, where he made a seder plate; then a birthday party for his friend Paul – knight and pirate themed; then a 5:30 baseball game that went til 7:30. Late…
It is cherry blossom time here in DC, and it's gorgeous. Today each of us got to go to Kenwood for various dropoffs and pickups, and it was like driving through a cloud. So gorgeous. We also enjoyed spring weather…
Things accomplished today: A played "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the piano all the way through, by year! And she had a good lunch at school. M played one inning of varsity softball for GDS! She played second base. She didn't touch…
N went to HoopEd camp today at Lafayette because there was no school. I asked him to rank it, with 1 being the worst thing he's ever done and 10 being the best thing he's ever done, and he gave…
Today is one of my favorite days of the year: April Fools Day! (It's also the 2nd anniversary of M&A's bat mitzvah!). We prepped some tricks for N last night and this AM – here is what he got: 1)…