Day 46
Today we had Presidential Quiz #3. N won this one, 6-4. Nate-Grampy Presidential Quiz 3 How many VPs have gone on to be president? (14) — Who decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? (Truman) Nate What are the…
Today we had Presidential Quiz #3. N won this one, 6-4. Nate-Grampy Presidential Quiz 3 How many VPs have gone on to be president? (14) — Who decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? (Truman) Nate What are the…
Here are some good things that happened this weekend. I saw both of my parents in the flesh. The house is pretty clean. M saw some friends today when they congregated at her friend's house with cookies because her friend's…
There are a lot of things I miss right now, big gaping holes in our life. The kids going to school and seeing friends is #1. Their playing sports. Going to work and being with my colleagues. Seeing my parents.…
It's a rainy, cold day here, which seems to match the mood of things. But we have a lot to be thankful for and that's what is important. Today N had a rematch of the presidential trivia with Grampy, and…
Today, N and Grampy had a presidential trivia contest over FaceTime. There were 15 questions. N won, 6-5. Here were the questions I came up with: Nate/Grampy Presidential Quiz This president’s first VP died in office in 1900. (McKinley) Nate…
Today we made some improvements outside. We had the lariope on the front lawn pulled up, and we did some other miscellaneous plantings. Hopefully it will be a lot better in a few weeks when the seed grows in and…
Here are some images of life here during pandemic. We always have a puzzle going: Girls are doing SAT prep remotely: DIY projects. This one: I refinished the lid of a chest that used to be at Grandma Sandy's…
Highlights of today: Hearing N on Zoom with friends from RHES and playing chess with Wyatt and chatting with Grandma after his piano lesson. A moonwalking in the dining room. Delicious pizza from Little Beast to break Passover. Imogene came…
So, some highlights of the last few days. Driving with the girls, even though it is sort of stressful. Zoom with the mother-son book club N and I watching the Zoom of the Nats watching Game 7 Bootcamp Glimpses of…
Highlights of today: Biked to Grandma's to drop off a macaroon and bag of cookies (store). Saw Jenny J. en route home. A drove to Sidwell and back! Snap Circuits with N. N walking in from playing baseball with Daddy…