Categories April 2020

Weekend Highlights

Life is a bit monotonous these days, so rather than focus on the routine, here are some highlights from the weekend: 1) Easter Egg hunt in the backyard today 2) Lots of driving with the girls 3) World Series games…

Categories April 2020


Yesterday was the first night of Passover. When I woke up, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make a seder dinner, but of course, I made a seder dinner. I made slow cooker beef stew, charoset, soup (Grandma…

Categories April 2020

Day 25

Some little things happening around here that wouldn't make the blog under normal circumstances, but these aren't normal circumstances. M has been making frozen coffee smoothies, some of which she has liked and some of which she has not. N…

Categories April 2020

Haircut Sunday

Today was a warm day – great for staying indoors. The girls had some driving lessons, Daddy and N played their baseball game on the front lawn, and I went for a run. Instacart delivered a bunch of Costco stuff.…

Categories April 2020

Day 22

It's Cleaning Saturday here at the house. We spent many many hours mopping, vacuuming, decluttering, doing laundry and cleaning out the garage. The house looks good but it's a bummer of a way to spend a weekend day. On the…

Categories April 2020

Day 20

This week has been very long. But we have big news: A got into the UCLA camera acting summer program she applied to! SO EXCITING! (We hope it happens.) N got to Zoom with his class today. There were some…

Categories April 2020

April Fool’s Day

So I just didn't have it in me to do it up for AFD today. I usually LOVE AFD. But the idea of tricking the kids by in any way getting their hopes up about anything or just confusing them…