Categories August 2009

Back in DC

We are back. It has been a very long day that started at 6 AM in Madrid and is still going on here in DC, 4:30 AM Madrid time. It was a very long flight, but the girls did a…

Categories August 2009

Last Night of the Trip!

This is our last night in Europe. We've had a great trip, but we are also looking forward to getting home. Not looking forward to the long trip tomorrow! Last time I posted was from Barcelona. We had a great…

Categories August 2009

Barcelona Blog Post

I am not going to have internet for a few days, so here is a quick update post. The girls did great on the overnight train to Spain. They both slept for a good 8 hours, which was great. We…

Categories August 2009

Last Night In Paris

One more post before we leave. Today we did a looong bus tour in an open air bus that lets you get on and off, which was fun but tiring. We went to the Champs Elysees and L'Arc de Triomphe,…