Categories August 2011


  To my beautiful Allie, Thank you for 14 years of being my beloved dog. I will always remember you running like lightning on Crissy Field, sleeping curled up in the bend of my leg, eating your treats, yodeling for…

Categories August 2011


Well, I spoke too soon last night about the hurricane. We lost power at 1AM. It came back on at 4AM for about 1 minute, then came back on at 9 AM for 15 minutes, and then came back on…

Categories August 2011

Hurricane Saturday

We are home right now, listening to the rain. Things aren't too bad here yet, but apparently Irene will hit tonight. So far it hasn't been as bad as expected. Daddy and I went to see a play tonight, thanks…

Categories August 2011

Tough Night

The girls had no school today because DC cancelled school to make sure that the buildings were all structurally sound. I don't know how they managed to find engineers to inspect 150 buildings in one day on 12 hours' notice,…

Categories August 2011


Hard to believe it, but we had a 5.9 earthquake here in DC today. It was a beautiful clear day here, and at 1:50 PM, the quake hit. Not much damage, but my work was evacuated and lots of other…

Categories August 2011

First Day of School

So much going on over the last two days. As I mentioned in Saturday's post, Allie wasn't doing too well when we got home. She got worse Saturday night. She didn't sleep at all, couldn't get comfortable, and was breathing…

Categories August 2011

Russia, Day 3

Today we continued our Russian Death March Adventure. We woke up late again, thanks to a botched wake-up call from the hotel that never came. After a slow start, we made it to the blini place for breakfast (I think…

Categories August 2011

Russia, Day 2

Another long day here in St. Petersburg. Well, not that long, because we woke up really late. I think we all, especially the girls, needed the sleep. We have a room that looks into an interior part of the hotel,…