Categories August 2011

Update from Russia

It is now Tuesday night at 11PM St. Petersburg time, the end of another looooong day. Last I left off, we were in Denmark and had spent the day at Helsingor and Louisiana. Yesterday, we had a GREAT day at…

Categories August 2011

Update from Denmark

Last I wrote was in Norway the night before we left.  On Friday, we had another late start and headed out to the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo. It’s a very cool museum with two very well-preserved Viking ships. It…

Categories August 2011

Greetings from Norway!

Today is Thursday, and it is our second day in Norway. We arrived here yesterday after a long trip from DC. Flight over was fine, but long, and then we had a layover in Frankfurt that was much better than…

Categories August 2011

Night Before We Leave!

We are leaving tomorrow! Still much to do, and it's almost midnight. But it was an eventful day for the girls. First, this morning, they went to Grandma Sandy's house for several hours. They had piano lessons, and read their…

Categories August 2011

In Between Trips

I am back from BlogHer! Had a good trip to San Diego, but I'm glad to be home. We have a lot to do to get ready for our trip to Europe on Tuesday. I've started packing the girls' stuff,…

Categories August 2011

A’s Playbill

Today was not such a good day. Allie had a rough night last night – lots and lots of coughing, and very little sleeping. She is a little better today. She's on a cough suppressant with a narcotic, and is…

Categories August 2011


It has been a tiring two days and I didn't post yesterday. Today, M went back to speech therapy and she did good work on her Rs. It's definitely a process and is going to take a while. I am…