Categories August 2012

M’s Class Session

Today I went to a session at the school about M's class. She is being team-taught by two teachers, rather than one. These two third grade teachers have combined their classes into one large class (54 kids – ugh!), and…

Categories August 2012

First Day of School!!

Today was the first day of school. By all accounts, it was a great day. Both girls seem to like their teachers a lot, and they came out with big smiles. A even said she wished the school day were…

Categories August 2012

OBX Day 7

Last day in Duck – so sad! We made the most of it: swimming in the morning – N dangled his toes and the girls did a synchronized swimming routine with Daddy reading on the deck visit to my favorite…

Categories August 2012

OBX Day 6

We crossed a few things off of the vacation bucket list today: Daddy worked on teaching the girls to ride their bikes without training wheels. It was a good start. We flew one of the other kites we brought. We…

Categories August 2012

OBX Day 5

I am loving being here in Duck. It's relaxing, and fun, and lots of great time with M, A, and N. I wish we didn't have to go back. 🙁 Today was another day that was supposed to be rainy,…

Categories August 2012

OBX Day 4

Despite the dire predictions, today wasn't a rainy mess. It was cloudy in the morning, but cleared some by afternoon, so we were able to spend LOTS of time in the pool (10-1:30) and had a nice long walk on…

Categories August 2012

OBX Day 3

Today was an odd day, weatherwise. The skies kept threatening, but the storm never really materialized and we even had some sun in the late afternoon. The girls swam in the morning and we went to the beach for a…

Categories August 2012

Limbo Day

Today is one of those limbo days. The girls are back from PA, and we are headed to the beach on Saturday. So today they slept in a little, watched a movie in the morning, and then went with me…

Categories August 2012

They’re Home!

The girls are home! Yay! We missed them so much and are so glad that they are back. They had a great time at Camp Ron-Dee-Vous and we're very proud of them for going away and being so independent. A…