Categories August 2012

Skype with the Girls

We just had such a treat – we got to Skype with the girls from PA. They were all smiles! So cute. They are having a great time – went swimming in the lake, played laser tag, and went to…

Categories August 2012

Mommy Camp Day 5

Today was the last day of Mommy Camp – boo hoo! I have had such a fun week with the girls. Today we had a mellow morning at home, with the girls finishing up their summer projects for school, taking…

Categories August 2012

Mommy Camp Day 4

Today was the weakest link in the Mommy Camp quintet. I had to do a social media panel downtown at 12:30, so I was out of the house from 11:45-2. That put a bit of a dent in the day,…

Categories August 2012

Mommy Camp Day 2

Quick post tonight because two very cute 8 year-olds have, once again, forgotten to plug in my computer after playing on it. So the battery is about to die, and I don't feel like going upstairs and getting the cord.…

Categories August 2012

Mommy Camp Day 1

Today was the first day of Mommy Camp. I had an appointment downtown in the morning, and then went food shopping, so I got home around 12:30. M had JUST woken up, and both girls were in their PJs! I…

Categories August 2012

We Love Haircuts

The girls got haircuts today. They were LONG overdue. I think the last time they had their hair cut was either Memorial Day weekend or the weekend after – either way it was 9+ weeks ago. They are always resistant…

Categories August 2012

Post-Camp Conversation

This conversation transpired when I picked up the girls at camp today: Me: "Girls, I have two pieces of exciting news for you." M&A: "How exciting is the news? Tell us the less exciting news first." Me: "Well, one piece…