Categories August 2018

M Is Home!

Well, we are back to a family of five in this house tonight. Yay! M returned home from camp today! We were all so happy to see her and we are very happy that she is home. Camp seemed to…

Categories August 2018

N’s K Artwork

Here is N's kindergarten artwork, which he brought home in his portfolio at the end of the year. I've copied the description sent home by the art teacher.   Students used real textures to create specific objects/scenes. N: "It's a person.…

Categories August 2018

A is home!

Big day today!! First, Daddy and N and I went to the Nats game this afternoon. It was HOT. So hot that we couldn't even sit in our seats. The plastic was so hot we had to move back about…

Categories August 2018

M&A 8th Grade Artwork

Another packed summer day of errands and activity for N. He got new sneakers, checked out some new library books, went on his scooter and had another swimming lesson with Daddy at the Bethesda pool. He is a tired boy.…

Categories August 2018

Camp Levine Performances

Today was N's first performance day at Levine Camp. The theme was The Caribbean and there were lots of songs and dances. Then there was a musical theater performance in the afternoon. N had singing roles in the afternoon but…