Categories August 2023

More Morocco Pics

First, a pic from today: N and Nana went to the fountain at Chevy Chase Circle today: And now more pics from Morocco: From the very picturesque town of Chefchaoen where all the houses are blue:   The rest of…

Categories August 2023

College Move-in Pics

Ok, back to posting pics. Here are some of the girls' dropoff weeks: A's room: A's common room: M dropoff and room: M's friend Ben from Taiwan program: Typepad is being really finicky with pics right now so that's all…

Categories August 2023

Last Night Of Vacation

It is our last night here in Portugal. We leave tomorrow AM and head back to the airport, return the (second) rental car, and head home (hopefully!). Today was a nice mellow day. We sat around by the pool and…

Categories August 2023


I have been remiss about posting while on our trip. We've had a very busy pace, and at night I have been really tired, so it has been easy to let it slide. But now, with one full day left…

Categories August 2023

Erev Morocco

Tomorrow we leave on our trip to Morocco and Portugal! We have all day here tomorrow so we still have a lot of time to pack and prepare, but we did a lot today. We also sent three big boxes…

Categories August 2023

N’s Latest Experiment

Nate has set up another experiment at the door using small pieces of paper. This time, he is measuring who leaves the house the most. When we leave the house, we are supposed to put a piece of paper from…

Categories August 2023

Planta Queens

Tonight, A and N and I went to Planta Queen to have dinner before the baseball game. M was, of course, our server. She did a great job and the food was good. N went up to her at one…