Categories December 2009

Pics from November

Tonight is the first night of Hanukah, and Darrah and Jason are coming in from NY for the weekend. Exciting! The girls can start opening the small pile of presents that has accumulated under the piano. (Though more are coming.)…

Categories December 2009

Gymnastics Pictures

The girls had their last day of gymnastics on Wednesday. Someone (one of the instructors?) took photos and sent a CD home with the girls. Here are some pictures of M at the class. (I think A was in a non-participatory…

Categories December 2009

Catching Up

I haven't blogged for a few days. Trying to get into the routine of my new job, and some other things to do at night – I have been pretty tired. I keep falling asleep before I get a chance…

Categories December 2009

Party Weekend

I've been scarce on here because we had a big party here at the house last night for my 40th birthday. It was a lot of fun. We had about 60 people, so it was kind of crowded at times.…