Categories December 2010

M’s Note To Me

M wrote the following note in my work notebook the other day. WARNING: There are some embarrassing parts. But the note was so funny I had to share it. Mommy is so nice she should have 1,000 husbands because she…

Categories December 2010

Arena Stage

Happy to report that the girls had a good dentist appointment this AM. No cavities. Molars coming in. A's top teeth vaguely loose. I told the dentist today that M has Weiswasser teeth and A has Feldman teeth.  (She was…

Categories December 2010

And… We’re Back

No post yesterday – I was felled by a double ear infection. Ouch! Feeling a little better today after some antibiotics and a better night of sleep. Highlights of the last few days: Nutcracker mania continues in the house. When…

Categories December 2010

The Weekend By The Numbers

Days after vacation started that M finished her vacation homework: 1 Special viewers of The Nutcracker today 11 (Grampy, Nana, Emily, their friend Sophie, M's classmate Gabe, The Levine-Batson family, Lily and her mom). Nutcracker performances left: 1 Christmas parties…

Categories December 2010

Mid-Week Nutcracker

Last night, we had many special guests at the Nutcracker. Aunt Darrah came in from NY, and Grampy and Lisa and Kristen came too. It was a great performance, as usual, though the girls were very grumpy on the way…