Categories December 2012

Update from Curacao

Today is Friday and we have been in Curacao since Tuesday night. So far it has been a really fun trip. We are staying near Westpunt, in the northwest corner of the island, which is very sleepy and out of…

Categories December 2012

Merry Christmas!

We spent today getting ready for our big trip to Curacao tomorrow. Lots of packing and preparation. Luckily, Grandma Sandy gave the girls a piano lesson and Imogene came over for two hours, so the girls and N had some…

Categories December 2012

Music Concerts

I was so tired last night that I couldn't post. I tried to go to sleep when I got home from work, but a series of interruptions kept me from doing it until late. But I slept well and feel…

Categories December 2012

Holiday Parties

Today I was able to go to both girls' holiday parties in their classrooms. A's was less chaotic than M's (half the kids), but both had the same activities: Hangman, cookie/cupcake decorating, and a craft that involved beads and pipe…

Categories December 2012

Second to Last Performance

The girls had a performance tonight – their second-to-last. Imogene came with me, and Daddy was there with a number of his colleagues. It was a good show – the audience was very enthusiastic and the dancing was great as…

Categories December 2012

Just Dance 4

The girls didn't have school today. Instead they had a playdate here with Molly and Evelyn, which apparently went well. They also practiced the piano and read, and A did her drawing of  sea otter for her book report. It…

Categories December 2012

We Have a Sitter!

This morning I brought N with me to my bathroom while I dried my hair. He went from this: To this: Yay! What a cutie! He occasionally slumps over, but for the most part he can sit up! And he…