Categories December 2013

Last Show!

Today was the last Nutracker show! It was fun because they did a lot of funny things during the show, like dance with a big stuffed elephant, and wear mustaches, and come out in the wrong scenes. It was all…

Categories December 2013


Today was a bit challenging. Poor Daddy was sick this morning when he woke up and slept for a few hours mid-day. He rallied this afternoon and we went with the Campers to the Air & Space Museum out by…

Categories December 2013

Day After Christmas

I haven't posted for a few days. Here's what I've missed: Christmas! We had a lovely celebration at Nana and Grampy's. It was a lot of fun and we really enjoyed it. The girls got new sleeping bags, which they…

Categories December 2013

Christmas Eve

Day #2 of Christmas vacation was another good one. N had a haircut this morning, and looks cuter than ever. He also came home with a lollipop from the barber shop, his second lollipop ever (the first being from Bella's…

Categories December 2013

Christmas Vacation Day 1

Today was a successful first day of Christmas break. Here is what was accomplished: Playdate with Natalie Piano practice by both girls Reading – M finished Grounded and A started our next book club book, Lily's Crossing Some ST Math…

Categories December 2013

Catching Up

I have gotten a little behind this weekend. My cell phone has so many pics and videos on it that I can't even share them until I delete a few off of the device. I also finally got pics of…

Categories December 2013

Class Holiday Parties

Today was the girls' class holiday parties. Daddy went to volunteer in both classes and said that they were fine but a bit chaotic. M's was better organized – she came home with a gingerbread house, while A came home…

Categories December 2013

18 Month Checkup

The little boy isn't so little. He is 30 pounds 9 ounces – 98th percentile for height and weight. (I didn't get the height). 90th for head circumference. He's right on track for everything – it was a very straightforward…

Categories December 2013

N’s Latest Tricks

Tomorrow morning we are taking N for his 18-month checkup. We're excited to see how big he is and how he is doing. Here are some things that he is up to lately: opening and closing doors saying "puppy" and…