Categories February 2010

Statues of Liberty

When I got home tonight, the girls had made cut-out Statues of Liberty. They are amazing! I don't know where they got the idea from, but they are really creative and so well done. I will take pictures tomorrow –…

Categories February 2010

President A

I fell asleep at my laptop last night and didn't get a post up before midnight, so I am posting today for yesterday and today. Last night, I dialed Daddy's cell phone # and then handed M the phone. I…

Categories February 2010

Recent Pics

Here are some pics that Daddy took this morning of the girls before school. A is wearing pants! Shocking! Don't they look adorable? They are dressed for the Valentine's party. From the pics, it looks so bright and sunny… hard…

Categories February 2010

No W Sightings Yet

I am in Houston for a conference tonight. When I called to check in with the girls, M asked where I was. I told her Texas. She was horrified! She said, "That's where George Bush lives! What if you see…

Categories February 2010

M’s Art

Today was Jump Rope For Heart. Given that the girls were really looking forward to it, I have not gotten much of a download on how it went. All I know is that A didn't get as much of a…

Categories February 2010

Freakin’ Snow

Today, I was driving the girls to school and navigating the narrow streets that are down to one lane due to snow pileups. After I backed up a few times to let oncoming cars pass by, M said, out of…

Categories February 2010

Red Glitter

In contrast to yesterday, we had a busy Sunday. This morning, the girls woke up early at 6:30 because A had a bad dream. I came in to soothe her, then M wanted to go to the bathroom. When she…

Categories February 2010

Lazy Saturday

Given that we had the freedom to leave the house today, we didn't take great advantage of it. We took the girls to a puppet show at Glen Echo – Rapunzel – which kinda sucked, and then ran some errands,…