Categories February 2012

Friday Night

I haven't posted in a little while – have been tired and not feeling very well. But it's Friday night, Daddy just got home from London, the girls are going to bed, and I am headed that way myself! I…

Categories February 2012

Report From the Dentist

A had a dentist appointment this morning – it was rescheduled from the appointment a few weeks ago when M went because A had been sick that morning. 6 months ago, we took her in for a checkup, and the…

Categories February 2012

Sunday Swim

Today the girls had a pretty fun day – pancake breakfast; then a few hours at Grandma Sandy's house where they played the piano, had a cursive lesson, and spoke lots of igPay atinLay; then swimming at the gym with…

Categories February 2012

Heroes Wax Museum

Today was the girls' Heroes Wax Museum. It was adorable. Three classes from the second grade gathered in the cafetorium and each kid stood in place (in costume). Visitors came up to the wax figures and pushed a green button…

Categories February 2012


After school today, M went home with a classmate with whom she wasn't excited to have a playdate. I am proud of her for going anyway, and doing the right thing, and then for having a good time and being…

Categories February 2012

Athletic Saturday

Today was a very active day for the girls. After a night of not a lot of sleep, thanks to Emily sleeping over, they headed to an 85-minute ballet class. Then, we had a dilemma – they had Alice rehearsal,…