Categories February 2012

Finally Awake!

The last few nights I have had the best intentions of posting on the P&B&B&B blog, but have fallen asleep on the couch before the girls are even in their beds. I am beat! So today I am posting earlier…

Categories February 2012

A Funny Exchange

A friend of mine ran into the girls with Dan on Saturday after he picked them up from ballet. She then relayed to me on email some of the entertaining things the girls said when she saw them. I thought…

Categories February 2012

Monday Off

I had to go on a day trip to NY today, so I didn't get to see the girls other than this morning. But here is what happened today: 1) We had a parent-teacher conference with A's teacher. She said…

Categories February 2012

The Weekend by the Numbers

I'm gonna let the numbers tell the story. Nailbiter Super Bowls watched: 1 (with the girls!) Super Bowl pre-parties attended: 1 (by the girls, not by the parents) Alice in Wonderland rehearsals: 1 (by the way, they are in the…

Categories February 2012

Report Cards

I mentioned that the girls got great report cards yesterday. M's teacher wrote: "M, you are one of my favorite students! I can always depend on you to go beyond what is expected, and for that I am very grateful!…

Categories February 2012

Not Weird, but Adorable

Tonight, the girls are going to the ballet with Grandma Sandy. They had the day off from school, and had a playdate with Charlotte in the afternoon. We also got report cards which I will share this weekend. In the…

Categories February 2012

American Idol Night

We're all sitting on the couch watching American Idol. The girls don't have school tomorrow, so no homework, no rushing to bed, no stress. And the girls are just adorable. A is sitting with her foot up because she hurt…

Categories February 2012


A lost ANOTHER tooth today! Can you believe it? She has NO teeth left. Here is what she looks like now: She is very excited. Poor Imogene has an ear infection. She went to the doctor today and took it…