Categories February 2024

Hobart’s Birthday

Last week, on 2/22, we celebrated H’s birthday. We don’t actually know when his birthday is, but we celebrate it on the day we decided to adopt him, which was 2/22/22. We think he may be 5. He got lots…

Categories February 2024

Blog Back Online

I had ANOTHER issue with WordPress and wasn’t able to access the blog for about a week, which was super frustrating. I missed a lot of things that I wanted to post about. I am now in FL for Bookstore…

Categories February 2024

Baseball and Books

N is going to be doing a skills assessment before baseball season starts up again. It’s this Sunday night. Meanwhile, he hasn’t played baseball since early November. So, to get him back into shape, I took him to Baseball Zone…

Categories February 2024

Family Day

Today was a fun day. Jonathan, Sarah and Rachel came to DC for a visit, and we all had lunch with Grampy at Joe’s downtown. And Tequila came down on the plane too, so we had a nice visit with…

Categories February 2024

Visit To Princeton

We went to visit M at Princeton on Friday, which was really nice. We went up after school on Friday and got to Princeton just in time to meet M for dinner at a nice restaurant right off of campus.…

Categories February 2024

Valentine’s Day!

Today was Valentine’s Day. N is finally too old for exchanging cards at school, though he did bring a bag o’ Chupa Chups to school and ended up in a fairly robust trade of candy with other kids. I guess…

Categories February 2024

Meet Stanley

For those keeping track at home, N was better this morning and made it to school. Tomorrow is his favorite day – Tuesday – because 1) Geography Club meets (the club he started); and 2) there is no Spanish class.…

Categories February 2024

Risk Showdown

Today, A said that she was “being an adult” and going through and deleting emails from her inbox. She was also unsubscribing from lots of companies that send her lots of email. She deleted thousands! She is very happy. No…

Categories February 2024

Maddie’s Presentation

Maddie did a presentation today to Grandma’s Salon group about her time in Taiwan and Kenya. She did a great job! There were some technical difficulties but she was very patient and composed. Grandma’s friends thought she was very impressive.…

Categories February 2024

Sporty Weekend

I spent this week going back and forth with the blog designer guy, getting the blog into shape. I think we’re there. We had some issues with the Subscribe by Email widget but I am hoping that they’ve been fixed.…