Categories January 2010

New Year’s Resolutions

I finally got both of M&A's New Year's Resolutions successfully scanned. Here is A's, whose resolution is to learn how to swim. I love the pool, the green goggles, her hair, the steps going into the pool, and her red…

Categories January 2010

Puppet Show

I am continuing to have problems posting the girls' resolution pictures. I have one scanned successfully as a JPG but the other didn't come out. So… I will have to wait until the next time I can get to the…

Categories January 2010


We had a nice day off today. This morning, the girls watched "The 101 Dalmations" (putting both girls in tears). Then, this afternoon, we went to the playground! The weather was warm (50s), so I loaded up the car with…

Categories January 2010


There is a boy in the girls' class who says all sorts of crazy things to them. I wrote about him last week, including some of the things he has said to the girls. A told me some more things…

Categories January 2010

Blog Title Change

Careful readers of the P&B blog may have noticed that the blog has a new name: Piggy and Bunny and Baby and Blanket: The M&A Blog. Now that the girls can read, or sort of read, M has realized that…

Categories January 2010


This morning I volunteered in the girls' classroom for their journaling activity. That means the class writes sentences for their journals, and draws a picture on the top of the page. Today, they were to write a sentence using a…