Categories January 2010

Monday Night Blues

A couple of things I have forgotten to write: When we were getting haircuts over the holiday, a woman who works at the salon came up to M and asked if she could borrow her for a second. She wanted…

Categories January 2010

Kitchen Soup Sunday

I haven't posted in a few days, since Thursday night, so this will be a catch-all post. On Friday night Daddy had a camp reunion at our house. The girls were very excited for it, and, I think, ultimately disappointed…

Categories January 2010

Beach Pics

I went out to dinner with some friends after work tonight. Daddy did homework with the girls, and when I got home they had read one of the books from the bookshelf: The Empty Pot. That's an old favorite of…

Categories January 2010

Monday Report

Tonight, we kicked off the M&A 2010 Reading Challenge, which entails reading all of the books on their bookshelf. If we decide we don't like a book, we will give it away. We will also write the date, and put…

Categories January 2010

End of Vacation

Sad to see this vacation come to an end. Tomorrow it's back to school, work, lunchboxes, homework, traffic, and deadlines. Sigh. Today we tried to go to to the top of the Washington Monument. We had reserved tickets and rushed…

Categories January 2010

Happy New Year!

We have continued to have a busy and fun-filled week. Since I last posted on Tuesday, we have done the following: Day trip to Swarthmore to visit my friend Mary and her family. We had a long drive up and…