Categories January 2011

Saturday Report

Last night was a very unusual night. Daddy left for a trip out of the country, and the girls went for a sleepover at Alida's. That meant… I was SOLO! Just me! That never happens. I took advantage of the…

Categories January 2011

Random Observations

Not that much to report tonight. M and A were playing on the couch, and M said, "Do you wanna tussle?" No idea where she got that from. M had to write 4 sentences for homework using words with long…

Categories January 2011

The Weekend By The Numbers

Birthday parties: 1 (only A invited/attended) Slight fevers: 1 (M) New games learned: 1 (Scrabble) Home entertainment systems broken: 1, tonight (grrrrr) Average temperature this weekend: 30 degrees Mother-daughter book club meetings attended: 1, for Eloise. Games of Simon Classic…

Categories January 2011

Ice Day

We had a glorious morning. It rained/sleeted last night, so there was a layer of slick ice ont he road and the cars this morning. Daddy and I got up at 7 to the news that DC schools were delayed…