Categories January 2012

Friday Update

I tried to post last night but I fell asleep before I even logged on. So much for that second trimester burst of energy! Last night I was brushing A's teeth and forgot to go gently on her very loose…

Categories January 2012


I just logged on to Typepad and saw my first comment from Aunt Ann in a very long time. She has had a hip replacement and some other procedures, and she is back online! We have missed her so much…

Categories January 2012

Tough Tuesday

Kind of a stressful day today.. A woke up saying that her ear hurt – something she's been saying for the last few days. So Daddy took her to the doctor this morning. All fine – no ear infection, no…

Categories January 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

This was a busy and important weekend! FIrst, the girls were invited to audition for a new ballet – Alice in Wonderland – which is the Washington Ballet Company's show and will be performed at the Kennedy Center this April.…

Categories January 2012

Friday Is Finally Here

It has been a very long week. We were exiled from the house for three nights due to the fumes from the hardwood floor refinishing. Thank you to Grandma Sandy who took us in – including Lucky – for three…

Categories January 2012

Lots of Photos

Our house is in disarray as we start the process of getting ready for the Captain's arrival this spring. First step is to get Dan's den redone so that I can move my desk and stuff into it. We are…

Categories January 2012


We have had a very fun three-day weekend, with lots of activities. The whole Feldman family was in town this weekend (minus Uncle Jonathan, Ben and Olivia). There was a dinner for Ron on Friday night, celebrating the award that…