Categories January 2013

Twenty Answers

N had his second flu shot today. He did fine! He only cried for about 5 seconds and then I distracted him with a toy and he was fine. Well, he did poop in his bath tonight – not so…

Categories January 2013

Twenty Questions

I think it's time for another M & A quiz. Answer the following questions… answers will be revealed tomorrow. 1. Who hates P.E. more than anything? 2. Who bites her nails? 3. Whose nails grow really fast and needs to…

Categories January 2013

Golden Globe Sunday

What could be better than snuggling in a warm bed with my two (older) cuties and watching the Golden Globes? Nothing. (Except they are downstairs foraging for dessert right now – I hope they come back soon!) Low-key day today.…

Categories January 2013

Get Well Hillary

The girls made get well cards for Hillary Clinton on Monday. They are very cute. Daddy is going to give the cards to The Secretary this week. Here are the cards: From A – note the message about the 2016…

Categories January 2013

Vegas Baby Vegas

Sad mommy is on a flight to Vegas right now for CES. While I usually love going to CES, and Vegas, I am sad to leave behind my three cuties: We had a nice Sunday. The girls had Sunday school,…

Categories January 2013

My Fair Ladies

Tonight we went to see My Fair Lady at Arena Stage, thanks to Grampy, who got us the tickets. It was a long show but the girls enjoyed it. A focused a lot and really followed the story, while M…

Categories January 2013


We are home. We have traded beautiful sunsets, unstructured days, and gorgeous weather for clean sheets, strong wi-fi, and a little beagle named Lucky. Both places have their benefits 🙂 It was a long day that started at the Embassy…

Categories January 2013

Back in the USA

We are back! Well, back in the States. We're in Miami overnight en route back home to DC. I haven't been able to post the last few nights because the wifi in our villa went out and I couldn't log…