Categories January 2024


HELLO! Welcome to the new home of the Piggy and Bunny Blog! There are a few reasons why I migrated the blog. 1) No one has gotten updates for months. Months! I have no idea why. Typepad is a nightmare…

Categories January 2024

Issues With Typepad

There are some major issues with the blog right now. First, no one is getting alerts about new posts. Is anyone even reading this sentence right now? Second, I am having a terrible time posting photos. It just gets worse…

Categories January 2024

Snowy DC

It has been a cold weather week in DC! It snowed yesterday and N had a bona fide snow day. He spent the day with the boys down the street and then went to Charlie's with Ayan. He had the…

Categories January 2024

Catching Up AGAIN!

I am trying to get back into posting, but after Covid I left for Nashville for work for a few days for one of my clients. I got back today and here are some updates. N has a lot going…

Categories January 2024

Covid Central

I was getting back in the blogging rhythm last week and then – BAM! – covid hit again. M and I both tested positive last Thursday. She had it much worse than I did, but we were both down and…

Categories January 2024

Last Day of London

So it's 2024, and I haven't posted since we were in London, which was only three days ago but feels like longer. Here is what we did on our last day in London! N and M and Dad went to…

Soccer Slides

N is happy because he just got editing rights on the "soccer slides" which is a daily updated Google slides doc that governs everything about recess soccer, including teams, tournaments, best players of the day. N is editing it with…