Categories July 2009

Piggy and Bunny

Tonight, M drew these pictures of Piggy, Bunny and Snuffy. I know they are kind of hard to see, but they are really cute. And I especially like them because Piggy, Bunny and Snuffy are A's special animals, and I…

Categories July 2009

The theme of this weekend was definitely the lost teeth. We did a lot of things – two birthday parties, a bunch of errands, swimming lessons at the gym, and a party for Daddy – and everywhere we went, M…

Categories July 2009

… Gone!!

M's teeth are out! She was SUCH a brave girl today. I am so unbelievably proud of her. She underwent laughing gas, 4 novacaine needles, two "wiggle games" (aka teeth extractions), and recovery with no tears. She's been just so…

Categories July 2009

Going, Going…

I have not adequately talked about how good A is at playing music by ear. She doesn't really read music, but she plays the melodies of songs she knows, over and over, at the piano. She changes keys and sometimes…

Categories July 2009

Bedroom Pics

I haven't talked about the girls' animal collections in a while. Each of them has a massive amount of animals at the "end" of their bed. It's amazing that there is room for the girls in the beds! Here are…

Categories July 2009

Camp Report #2

I have a new fun game I like to play with Imogene. It's called: "Let's Find Out How Much Of M&A's Lunch Came Back Home In The Lunchbox." Yesterday I packed in each lunchbox: a mini bagel with cream cheese…

Categories July 2009


We got up early today for the first day of camp. Had to get stuff ready to go – lunchboxes, tote bags with bathing suits/towel/sunblock, blankets, and pillows.   Then we left for camp. A started getting nervous, and kept…