Categories July 2010


So much to share today. Today was the second to last day of camp. The girls brought home mobiles and dioramas. A's diorama is of a girl going to the beach who makes a series of sand castles, all of…

Categories July 2010

Daddy Birthday Pics

We had a nice time celebrating Daddy's birthday last night. We had dinner at Cafe Deluxe, and then came home and had cake. Here are some pics: The girls have only two more days of camp. Then they will be…

Categories July 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy

I was not able to post last night, because we still didn't have Internet access. Luckily, power is returning to our neighborhood, and cable has been restored. Yay! Also, because of the downed trees and lack of power, the cabinets…

Categories July 2010

The Weekend By the Numbers

Times swimming: 2 Tornado-like storms that hit DC: 1 really bad one % of our neighborhood without power: 75? Movies seen: 1 (Ramona and Beezus) Hip hop classes attended: 1 Yummy dinners at other people's houses: 2 (Koppel-Pollacks and Grandma…

Categories July 2010

97 Degree Friday

Long day. And very hot day. Took the girls to camp and picked them up, came home, worked til 6, then took them to the pool and out to dinner. I am ready for bed! (And it's only 10:30). They…

Categories July 2010

Arts Camp

Today was the first day of the new arts camp. I took the girls on my way to work, and then picked them up at 3 and brought them home. I like that the camp is just a few blocks…

Categories July 2010

Back Home

I got home from SF last night. Despite the late arrival, the girls were up, watching The Wizard of Oz for the first time. I remember seeing that movie so many times in my childhood. It was always a Special…

Categories July 2010

Camp Performances

I am writing from Palo Alto, where I am at a conference at Yahoo. I got here last night and will return home tomorrow afternoon. Today and yesterday, the girls' camp had their end-of-session performances. I went yesterday and Daddy…