Categories July 2010

Crazy Week!

It has been quite a week here so far, and it is only Wednesday. We had a power outage last night, so we had no electricity from 8 PM until 5 AM. This was due to a massive thunderstorm that…

Categories July 2010

No A/C

So it's really hot today. 101 degrees hot. Perfect day for the upstairs air conditioning to stop working. It is 10:22 PM and the temperature upstairs is 90 degrees – not so great for sleeping. The girls are on the…

Categories July 2010

Report Cards

Today I stayed at camp after I dropped off the girls, and went to the daily "sing". It was very cute. The whole camp sang a few songs – Purple People Eater, Mr. Golden Sun, and some others. It's a…

Categories July 2010

The Long Weekend in Numbers

Days since I was last at work: 4 Fireworks displays seen: 2 Approximate number of minutes by which the Chevy Chase Club fireworks exceeded the Mall fireworks: 10 Times the girls went swimming: 3 Birthday parties attended: 1 Playdates arranged:…