Categories July 2011

Speech Therapy

Tonight, M went for a consultation with a speech therapist. It went very well. First, the place is amazing – it has a closet stocked floor to ceiling with board games, and then a room with a swing, ball pit,…

Categories July 2011

More Lake Pics

It was very hot here today, so the girls stayed in most of the day and read, hung out, watched Nanny McPhee, listened to Radio Disney on Sirius, and created a whole house for their American Girl dolls. When I…

Categories July 2011

Back Home

We have all been reunited at home! Yay! I landed in DC around 2 today, which required a 4:30 AM wakeup in Park City this morning. Eesh. Daddy drove home from the lake today and got home around 6. We are all…

Categories July 2011

Happy Fourth!

Happy 4th of July from Shohola PA! We've been having a very fun time at Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron's new house. We arrived here on Saturday and had a fun family dinner in a town about 40 minutes away…

Categories July 2011

Last Day of Camp

The girls had their last day of camp today. There was a presentation during the last half hour, which Grandma Sandy, Imogene and I came to. M's presentation was a tall tale about why cowboys wear hats, and A's was…