Categories July 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Daddy's 45th birthday. Happy birthday!! The girls have been working on some projects for him, which they will give him tonight, and we have some cards and other surprises for him. I am going to make salmon for…

Categories July 2012

Visitors from the North

Today Mommy had a playdate. Her friends Mary and Tracy came down from Philly and NY to visit and to meet Baby N and see the girls. We had a very nice time. Highlights from the visit: While Mary and…

Categories July 2012

Daddy Camping Trip

Daddy and the girls are back from their camping trip. Sounds like they had a very good time. There were 19 kids this year, and as they all get older, it sounds like the trip gets more and more fun.…

Categories July 2012

Camping Trip

The girls are on a camping trip tonight with Daddy. It rained all day here but apparently it isn't raining there and the ground isn't too wet. Their tent (borrowed from a friend) is enormous and Daddy said the girls…

Categories July 2012

M’s Guitar Licks

[First, re: the "space age egg" from yesterday's video – yes, it's very cool! And it's a loaner. 🙂 ] The girls are actually liking Levine camp a lot. Both said they'd like to go back next summer. So that's…

Categories July 2012

Nate in the Egg

Levine Camp changed the schedule today (I am still not sure how) and the girls said that today was really good. They have a yoga teacher who they like a lot and apparently she also taught dance today. M can…

Categories July 2012

Guitar and Flute

Today the girls brought home their instruments from Levine Camp and practiced them at home. A likes putting her flute together and M can strum 3 chords on the guitar. It was really cute seeing them come out of camp…

Categories July 2012

Levine Camp

Today was the first day of Levine camp. The girls were definitely not as excited to go to Levine as they were to go to Holton. But I think it will be OK for three weeks. As soon as they…

Categories July 2012

Social Sunday

The girls had a very social Sunday today. They woke up and had a visit from Jessie, Alida, Abby and Orin, who came over and brought some gifts and coffee cake. For N they brought a stuffed lion, and for…