Categories July 2012

Holton Carnival!

Today was the Holton Creative Summer Carnival! Here is what the girls did, with photos. First we went to Young Gourmet and picked up M's cookbook and saw what the class made: Then we checked out the display for Taming…

Categories July 2012

Second to Last Day of Camp

This morning, I had to get the girls to the camp bus by myself, and I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it without M&A's help. A kept N company this morning when he woke up, entertaining him,…

Categories July 2012

Brownout Friday

I would do a nice long post, but we are having a brownout and I have no Internet. The girls are thankfully at a sleepover. I am home solo with Nate. It's going to be a long night with no…

Categories July 2012

Thursday Blackberry Pics

Girls were back at camp today. A did "Dead and Alive" makeup in Razzle Dazzle and M made chips and salsa in Young Gourmet. Here's a pic of A after camp: They are getting ready for Carnival next week, when…

Categories July 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

We had a classic Washington Fourth of July. In the morning, Daddy took M&A to our favorite July 4th activity – the Palisades Parade. It was very hot, so we decided that I would stay home with the Captain. They…

Categories July 2012

Blogus Interruptus

I haven't posted in here on P&B&B&B in a while. The reason is that we lost power here on Friday night. We were watching the gymnastics Olympic Trials around 10PM, and a violent storm blew through and knocked out our…