Categories July 2014

Day of Errands

The girls and I did a bunch of errands today –  the time-consuming ones that you only do once a year. We parked at my office and went to Staples for all of their school supplies and then to Modell's…

Categories July 2014

TIC Camp Photos

Daddy is off to London and Afghanistan for the next week. We are none too excited about it. N had no fever when he woke up, but was up to 100.5 by naptime. Here are some pics from the last…

Categories July 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy 47th birthday Daddy!!!! It was a pretty quiet day here at home, other than N throwing up all over the couch and us this morning and running a fever most of the day. We stayed close to home in…

Categories July 2014

Anti-Virus II

A lot has been happening around here. The girls had their last day of TIC camp yesterday. It was fun to see what they did this summer! M and her friend Natalie created a video game, which was great to…

Categories July 2014

Party Girls

It may be the end of July, but Nutcracker is never far from our minds. Here are the girls tonight before we all took Lucky for a walk    Tomorrow is the last day of TIC camp! Then the girls…

Categories July 2014


The virus stampeding through our house claimed another victim today: Imogene. She woke up with a fever this morning (and felt awful last night) so we were on our own today! Daddy and I split up the day since we…

Categories July 2014


Here is the latest in our house. A was sick today and stayed home from camp. As of tonight, she didn't have a fever, so hopefully she will be back at camp tomorrow. N was still running a 101.8 temp…

Categories July 2014

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

It has been a long 48 hours here in our house. M has been sick since Friday night. Her fever is hovering around 101.5 except when she is on meds, and her throat has been hurting a lot. She does…

Categories July 2014

A And The Angry Inch

News from today: The girls had their checkups today and everything looks good. A is one inch shorter than M, and two pounds lighter. She is 15th percentile for height and about 25th for weight, and M is 25th for…