Category: July 2015
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Daddy had his birthday today. The Secretary found out that it was his birthday and wished him happy birthday at the end of their meeting after saying a bunch of nice things about him. Then his staff brought him cupcakes…
Erev Daddy’s Birthday
We celebrated Daddy's birthday tonight because he is going on a trip tomorrow until next Sunday. We had a yummy dinner – grilled shrimp, chilled cucumber soup, corn, rice w/beans, and cupcakes decorated by M&A.
Blueberry Picking
Today we went blueberry picking at Butler's. It was very hot and the kids pooped out after we got a bucketful. Then we went to the main area with the food and slides, where they had hot dogs, went on…
Potty Training Incentive
Tonight, the girls and I left the house at the same time for different reasons. They went to Grandma's house for a sleepover. I went downtown to meet Daddy where we went to a cooking class at Culinaerie. Poor N…
Neverland and Tinseltown
I am in LA tonight – enjoying this view: And the girls have gone off with their friend Katie and her mom and brother Dylan to see a Peter Pan show in VA: And Daddy is home with N. Our…
Sidwell Camp
Sidwell Camp is going OK so far. The girls are enjoying it mostly, but they don't love their baking teacher and nether one was crazy about Shark Tank today. The classes they are taking are: Baking, Darkroom Photography, Amazing Race…
Puzzling Sunday
So, we finished this puzzle today: It was the hardest we've done so far. The little drawings were very little, and the people all look the same. It was a fun puzzle, especially as it put a ton of theme…
Catching Up
I'm back! I missed a few days of posting, due to being too tired to post late at night. Last night saw a few late nights of building furniture, and then one night being exhausted from getting up too early…