Categories June 2008

Tough Week for M

M can’t seem to catch a break this week. Poor girl. First, she hurt her foot and had to have an x-ray. Then she missed camp. Then last night, she was up VERY late with a stomachache. She was in…

Categories June 2008


Tonight was the shower for two women at work. It was at our house. The girls were very excited about it, but best of all, they got to play with Mikey for several hours – he is one of their…

Categories June 2008

Today, In Brief

It’s 11:51 PM and I need to get this post up by midnight so it will be from today. So this will be short. M skipped camp to rest her foot… She wore her new tankini and dress from our…

Categories June 2008


Dramatic day today. After camp, M limped home, saying that her foot hurt. She had fallen when she got off the monkey bars and her foot was increasingly in pain. She couldn’t really walk. After nap, she was even worse.…

Categories June 2008


Tonight was a special night. After I got home from work, it rained a bit. Then Imogene left to catch the bus. She called me from the bus stop to tell me that there was a beautiful rainbow outside. We…

Categories June 2008

Return From Sin City

I am in the Las Vegas airport, headed home from Darrah’s bachelorette party. We had a lot of fun, but I missed the girls a lot. I look forward to bringing them to Vegas someday (the G-rated parts of Vegas!).…

Categories June 2008

Thursday Night

I am leaving tomorrow for a weekend in Vegas with Aunt Deb and others for Aunt Darrah’s bachelorette party. Very exciting! The girls know that I am going to a party for Aunt Darrah and they think that the wedding…

Categories June 2008

I Am Back

I am back from my very short trip. The girls were happy to see me when I got home but everything went fine while I was gone. Today they had a clown at camp named Lula. The clown did a…

Categories June 2008

First Day of Camp

The girls like camp! Imogene said that when she picked them up at camp today, A said, "Nana! Guess what! I love camp! I like it even better than school!" M likes the new teacher and they both had a…

Categories June 2008

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! We had a fun family day. We woke Daddy up with some presents and cards. Then it was off to a new dance class, which the girls really enjoyed. Abigail was there, and the new teacher is…