Categories June 2008

Mommy is Sick

I guess it was inevitable. Two girls sick in one week… makes Mommy sick too. Yesterday I got the virus that’s been making the rounds in the house. Fever and sore throat. But I feel a little better today. Yesterday…

Categories June 2008

M is Sick

Now poor M is sick. Today she had a fever of 103 (102 when I got home). She’s tired and sort of glassy-eyed but not in a bad mood. Tonight she asked if she could help me pack for our…

Categories June 2008

Wednesday Wrapup

A is better. Yay! Today she got to go swimming in her friend Lila’s wading pool – same pool, different backyard. She told Imogene, "I am so happy that I am feeling better." Lots of whining from M when I…

Categories June 2008

Tough Day!

Well, the good news is that A doesn’t have strep. I took her to the doctor today and the test was negative. The other good news is that the girls were very good at the dentist this morning. (It helps…

Categories June 2008

A Is Sick

Last night, about 2 hours after we put the girls to bed, A woke up to go potty. Daddy realized that she was very warm. Turns out she had a fever of 102.7. And today, she ran a fever all…

Categories June 2008

Friday Morning

We are leaving soon to go to NY for the weekend for Daddy’s law school reunion. M has lately become very demanding and whiny, and she gets mad at me when I tell her she is being whiny. She doesn’t…

Categories June 2008


I have missed a few days of posting lately. I usually post around 10 or 10:30, after the girls have gone to bed, and this week I have had a hard time staying awake to post, which is really unlike…