Categories June 2010

We Are Back!

It has been a while since I posted here, but we are back from our week at the beach. (I would have posted last night but we had a blackout from 9p-1a, and I couldn't get online.) We had a…

Categories June 2010

Last Day of Kindergarten

We leave for the beach in the AM! Very exciting. Lots of bags are packed downstairs – games, crafts, books, food, sunblock, towels, tennis rackets, beach toys, electronics, etc etc etc. On the one hand it's easier to pack when…

Categories June 2010

Home Stretch

We are on the home stretch now. 2 more days of school. 3 days until we leave for the beach. That leaves  end of the year picnic, packing, and getting ready for Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron/Deb and Olivia to…

Categories June 2010

Flag Day

All of the news from today is dwarfed by one very important piece: EMILY WON THE FLAG TODAY. We're all so proud of her! More tomorrow!

Categories June 2010

M’s Plant Journal

I have pics to upload from last night, but they are Grandma Sandy's camera, which she left at our house last night, so they will have to wait. I also have pics of the girls' research projects on polar bears…

Categories June 2010

Grandma Sandy’s Birthday Dinner

Tonight we celebrated Grandma Sandy's birthday after work. We had a yummy dinner, the girls played the piano and sang, and we had cake. Happy birthday Grandma Sandy! Both M&A finished their animal projects for school tonight. I hope that the…

Categories June 2010

A’s Plant Journal

We are hitting a lot of end-of-year milestones. We've already had the last ballet and Sunday School classes, and today was the last tennis class. It was drizzling, but the girls were still very enthusiastic because they got popsicles at…