Categories June 2011

First Day of Camp

Today was the first day of theater camp, which turns out to be more of an arts and crafts camp. The girls were neutral on it, verging on negative. Oh well. It is only one week! At least it's organized…

Categories June 2011

Exciting Things

After work tonight, I went to see a play with Grandma Sandy to celebrate her birthday. We had a very nice time. When I got home, I told the girls that I had exciting news, as well as exciting EXCITING…

Categories June 2011

Technology Fail

The girls did not get much sleep last night. M & A & Emily were up very late. I think Emily was like, "Why are these girls so hyper and when can I just go to sleep?" New games being…

Categories June 2011

Gorgeous Girls

The girls are officially done with first grade. They were two of only a handful of kids who went to school today. When I dropped them off today, their slightly irritated teachers told them to hang out in the hallway…

Categories June 2011

Last Day of School

There is so much happening at this time of year that it is hard to process it all. Today was the last full day of school for the girls. They have a half-day on Monday that I think most kids…

Categories June 2011

Sorry Note

It has been a bit of a long week. M was sick on Monday, and still doesn't feel 100%. I got a call from the doctor today that M's urine culture came back negative, despite the white blood cells she…

Categories June 2011

End of the Year Classwork

There is a lot of cute classwork and projects coming home from school this week, as the teachers clean out the classrooms in anticipation of the last day of school. (The real last day is Monday, with a half-day added…