Categories June 2011

Visit to the Doctor

Last night, M was complaining that her tummy hurt. It still hurt today, and I got the dreaded phone call from the school nurse at 1PM saying that she wanted to go home. So Imogene picked her up and they…

Categories June 2011

More About Our Amazing Sarah

Here is the transcript of the headmaster's remarks at Sarah's school yesterday when she won her wonderful award. ***** We begin this segment of our program with the presentation of a very special award… In a school full of exceptionally…

Categories June 2011

The Weekend By The Numbers

It really felt like summer this weekend. We did a lot of fun stuff outside, which is the focus of this week's By The Numbers. Items planted in the backyard: 3 window boxes of impatiens (bye bye pansies), basil, sage,…

Categories June 2011

Harriet the Spies

Last night after I got home and the girls finished their homework, I took them out for YogiBerry. Beforehand, I gave them each a little notebook that I picked up at BEA. They each decided to start a diary/journal, a…