Categories June 2012


Quick post tonight. 1. N is gaining weight like a champ. At his appointment today, he weighed in at 8 pounds 15 ounces. (Last week he was 8 pounds 4 ounces). According to the doctor, he is gaining weight at…

Categories June 2012

Jelly Bracelets

I think the girls could do with a little more structure in their days. Good think 6 weeks of camp kicks off on Monday! Today, M slept late while A was up early – slept in our room starting around…

Categories June 2012


We got some nice end-of-the-year evaluations of the girls from Sunday School and ballet class. Here they are: Ballet: A has a wonderful attitude in class; positive and enthusiastic. She has become stronger and has improved in her technique due…

Categories June 2012

Happy Father’s Day!

We had a good weekend at home with our new baby. Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina were here until today, and they spent lots of time with the girls and N. They went to the Kreeger Museum yesterday, which the…

Categories June 2012

Nathaniel’s Bris

We had Nathaniel's bris today. Despite the stress of the procedure, it was a lovely service and very special for us to have so many family and friends there. Uncle Jonathan came in from NY for the day, as did…

Categories June 2012

Last Day of School!

It's official – we have two third graders in the house! Today was M&A's last day of school. They had a half day. When we picked them up, I heard kids shouting, counting down "10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1", and then M's class came…

Categories June 2012

Nate is Home!

What a special day! We brought baby N home from the hospital. We are all reunited at home and it's great. There are definitely a lot of changes to get used to, from a crying baby to Mommy not being…

Categories June 2012

Nate is Three Days Old

Everything went pretty smoothly today in the hospital. I saw my OB this morning and we are switching my pain meds, so hopefully I will get more sleep tonight than I did last night, which was minimal. Hopefully Tylenol with…