Categories June 2013

Farewell Baseball!

We have had a really fun day with Sarah here staying with us. I told her today that she really got a good look at a typical day in our lives today! We were home in the AM. Then we…

Categories June 2013

Kennedy Center Drawings

Yay – it's Friday! It has been a long week. And I am tired today because we went to to a concert at Wolf Trap last night and got home kind of late. But we're having a lovely Friday night…

Categories June 2013

The Cuteness!

Home stretch! Only 7 more days of school. The girls had their last Math Club this morning. Oh, and good news – the girls are NOT being held back a year at ballet. I got their evaluations today and both…

Categories June 2013

Catching Up!

I was really tired last night and fell asleep without posting on P&B&B&B, which is too bad because I have a lot of great content! I will share it over the next few days. In the meantime, here is an…

Categories June 2013

Nate’s Birthday Party

What a day!! Here is what happened. We made a party for little N. It was a great success! Here's who was here: Family – Grampy and Nana, Grandma Sandy, Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Emily, Sarah, Aunt Tequila, Imogene. Girls' friends:…

Categories June 2013

Almost Birthday!!!

Tomorrow is the little boy's birthday! He will be 1 – yay! We are all very excited for his birthday. It is also Grandma Sandy's birthday so we have a lot to celebrate. We will be getting ready for N's…

Categories June 2013

Coral Carnival

There was a first in our house tonight. I was on the train home from NY, where I spent the day today. Imogene's car is in the shop, and Daddy came home on the later side. And, it was raining.…