Categories March 2010

Chez Discovery

This morning, A showed me a picture she had made of three girls, all dressed up in pretty dresses, purses, shoes, etc. They were A, M, and friends Hannah and Abigail. It was very cute. About 10 minutes later, I…

Categories March 2010

Another Video

Here is another video, taken by the girls (mostly) on Friday night. (We had some people coming over who are living in our house next week, and when A learned that there might be kids coming, she insisted on wearing…

Categories March 2010

Llama Drama

Lots of drama in the house tonight. A wanted to use M’s pen, M wanted to show us every page of a 26 page book she made, A kept making mistakes in a list she was making. Rinse and repeat. Even…

Categories March 2010

Recital Videos

Busy Sunday. Sunday School, then we had a picnic at No-Longer-Orange-Playground, and then went to Nana and Grampy’s for a late afternoon needlepoint lesson. Pizza dinner at home, then an episode of LIFE, and then bedtime!Whew. Daddy is in Malaysia…

Categories March 2010

Cheerio to London

I am back from London – yay! It was a quick trip and I am happy to be back with the girls. M stayed home today because of the strep, but she didn't have a fever, and will go back…

Categories March 2010

Brunch at Grandma’s

While I am away, I thought I would post a picture from brunch at Grandma Sandy's about a week ago. Here we are – me and the girls, Grandma Sandy, Aunt Tequila, and cousin Judy, visiting from London. Doesn't everyone…

Categories March 2010

M Under The Weather

M wasn't feeling great last night. When she woke up, she seemed to be better, so she went to school. She tuck it out all day, and was in good spirits when she got home. She was sleepy tonight, though,…

Categories March 2010

I didn't post for two nights – fell asleep both nights on the couch before midnight, so I didn't post in time. Now getting it under the wire at 11:33 PM… We had a pretty mellow weekend. It rained a…