Categories March 2010

Olympic Medalists

Daddy is home! We are all happy to have him home. He missed his flight yesterday and had to stay another night in Frankfurt, but now he is back. Tonight the girls put on a show for us. They made…

Categories March 2010

Bad Sleep

I always wonder why I am so tired. Well, here's why. Chronology of last night: 8:55 PM – Girls go to bed. (They were very quiet during my interview – thank you, M&A!) Sometime before midnight – I fall asleep…

Categories March 2010


Yesterday morning, I had a very early meeting, and got little sleep. I went to bed last night when the girls went to bed – unheard of! A had a hard time falling asleep, so she came and slept with…

Categories March 2010


Girls had a busy Oscar Sunday. Sunday School, then we went to Grandma Sandy's for a brunch with some of our cousins. The girls made a few friend - a girl who lives next door to Grandma Sandy – and they…

Categories March 2010

Saturday Report

Here is what we did today: woke up game of Memory (which I was winning until M got so out of sorts that I let her win) ballet toy store (each girl got new craft projects) drive to a used…

Categories March 2010

Fat Pajamas

I fell asleep last night before I could post (for some reason, this has been a really exhausting week). But here is today's post, complete with the previously-promised Fat Pajama pics and video. Unfortunately, the pink pajamas are unwearable now,…

Categories March 2010

Reports on M & A

I haven't uploaded the pictures yet of the girls with the blankets stuffed into their PJs, but I will soon. (Sorry Aunt Ann!) A stuffed so many blankets into the PJs tonight that the zipper broke. 🙁 Here are summaries…

Categories March 2010


We had parent-teacher conferences today. I will sum them up in tomorrow's post, but they were very positive. Funny story from Saturday. We were driving to get haircuts and the gas light came on in my car. Me: "Ooh the…