Categories March 2012

Dioramas and Flamingoes

Today we made some progress with resolving A's issues with the girl at school that has been causing her trouble. She and I met with the girl and her mom, and the girl apologized to A. Then the moms met…

Categories March 2012

Performance Weekend

We had quite a weekend! The girls had two performances of their scene in Alice. Friday they performed at the Washington Club, and today they performed at the Cherry Blossom Festival at the National Building Museum. I got to see…

Categories March 2012

Dancing Partners

The girls have been getting along really well the last week or two. They always do, but lately they seem to be taking real delight in each other and getting a lot of enjoyment out of their activities. A has…

Categories March 2012

More NY Pics

A few funny things. 1. En route to school today, we were talking about the group of kids whose parents bid on M's teacher's donation to the school auction – a pool party for 6 kids from the class. It…

Categories March 2012

Quick Wednesday Post

Long day today. A few quick things to report: Grampy and Emmy stopped by tonight. Emmy is off to Prague tomorrow for a quarter abroad. She is very excited and will have a great time. The girls were very happy…

Categories March 2012

Photos from NY

I think the girls are very tired. A woke up today moaning about not feeling well, and was in tears en route to school. I told her to see the nurse if she continued not to feel well, and that…

Categories March 2012

NY Weekend

We had a great weekend in NY. Yesterday, Dan and the girls went with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina on a long walking tour of lower Manhattan. They started out on Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, and then…

Categories March 2012

Ultrasound Pics

Today we are off to Brooklyn for Sydney's 2nd birthday and for the Crossword Tournament. Yay! I will pick the girls up after school and hopefully we will leave soon thereafter. We had an ultrasound this morning to take a…