Categories March 2012

Belly Shots

Tonight for homework A had to separate a list of items into 2 categories: things that DO decay in soil, and things that DON'T decay in soil. For the things that DO decay in soil, she said that these are…

Categories March 2012

Back Home!

I am home! Austin was a great experience but I am very glad to be home. And I think that was my last work trip of the pregnancy. Maybe a day trip to NY but that would be it. Yay!…

Categories March 2012

Update From Austin

I haven't posted in a few days. On Friday, Daddy and I went to a very fancy dinner that took a long time. It was many, many courses long and we were there for almost 3 hours. But quite delicious!…

Categories March 2012

Footloose/Grease Kickoff

Today was A's first day of Notebusters, the Footloose/Grease season. I am so excited for those songs! She is at ballet and I am posting before I leave for the day, so I haven't yet heard how it went. I…

Categories March 2012

Back from NY

I am back from NY. Had a good, productive, and exhausting trip and was happy to get home. A called me when I was en route from the train station because she wanted to talk about a website she was…

Categories March 2012

Monday Miscellany

A had her playdate today with the boy from her class. I didn't get a good sense from her of how the playdate went. She said they did a lot of practicing for their music performance, and that they are…

Categories March 2012

Lorax and Purim

What a fun weekend! Jam-packed. Today the girls went with Daddy to the Purim celebration at the temple, and then had Alice rehearsal. They won some flamingo glasses at the Purim festival and have been wearing them around. Then this…

Categories March 2012

Saturday Report

I didn't post yesterday because I was at the consignment sale volunteering and was exhausted when I got home. I fell asleep on the couch at 10. Then I got up early this morning to go to the sale itself…