Categories March 2014

Fictionistas Meeting

After school today, we had a meeting of the Fictionistas here at the house. For over 2 hours, I quizzed the girls on the five books they have to know for the Battle of the Books in 2 weeks: The…

Categories March 2014

Belly Flop

N likes to do "belly flops" with M on our bed. She showed him how to do them a few nights ago, and now he likes to do them with her. Tonight, he was in his room reading contentedly with…

Categories March 2014

Wet Diapers

I think N may be entering the Terrible Twos. He has been irrationally cranky the last day or so. Lots of fussing and crying and putting his foot down about doing things. He's also hardly eating. This morning he woke…

Categories March 2014

Shoe Sunday

Last night was the Lafayette auction. We had a lot of fun. We saw a lot of the girls' former teachers – Nickel, Paul, Haigler and Cobb and Yedwab from a distance. We talked to Ms. Shapiro and Mr. C…

Categories March 2014

M’s Economy Quilt

It has been a long week and we are glad to be at Friday! The girls had tests and quizzes and Economy Quilts to finish, and work has been busy for Daddy and me. Last night was a late night…

Categories March 2014

N’s Obesssions

It is safe to say that little N is obesssed with his sisters, "Mammy and Ah-da". He talks about them all the time. He cries when he wakes up and they have already left for school, like this morning. He…

Categories March 2014

Fictionistas T-Shirts

The girls' team for Battle of the Books is the Fictionistas. They all made t-shirts for the team photo shoot yesterday. Here they are: And now with the models: And the little brother: Here was the schedule after school today.…

Categories March 2014

Here is what was notable about today. 6 inches or so of snow: No school. N woke up and put on the pink sunglasses:   Daddy and the girls played The Game of Life: N ate spaghetti at dinner: (Look…

Categories March 2014

Social Weekend!

We all had a relatively social weekend. Friday after school, A had a playdate at Ellie's house, while M stayed home with me, N and Imogene. Then Friday night we caught up on American Idol after N went to bed.…

Categories March 2014

High Chair Video

Here is a cute video of the little boy. I tried to take some photos tonight of him wearing pink sunglasses and reading a book, but he kept moving around. Kind of like this: