Categories May 2008


We’re leaving for the beach tomorrow for a week. Everything is (almost) packed. We’re just hoping for good weather – it’s been chilly and rainy here for weeks and it’s hard to imagine good beach weather at this point! The…

Categories May 2008

Too Tired For Patience

People often tell me that they think I am very patient with the girls. I’d like to think that that is usually the case. Unfortunately, it wasn’t tonight. I am very tired – went to bed too late last night…

Categories May 2008

Must Start Twittering

I was home today, and the girls did many cute and entertaining things that unfortunately I don’t remember anymore. I should Twitter instead of blogging so that I can track them in real time. (Too bad I have been so…

Categories May 2008

Guest Post From Daddy

Here is a guest post from Daddy! Thank you, Daddy! A few of the memories that stand out in my mind from this jam-packed weekend: — A drawing a wonderful butterfly with wings, and then with some little things on…

Categories May 2008

Pancake Monster

RIght now, the 14 year-old twins who live down the street are over playing with M&A. It is very cute to listen to. They have played several board games, played "Castle" (which is a game A made up where there…

Categories May 2008

Ribbit is Back

The stars have aligned. Alphabetical order and reverse alphabetical order have collided in the perfect storm at our house. Yes, we get four days in a row of "friends" from M&A’s class. We had Shmueli, the stuffed rabbi, for two…

Categories May 2008


The rain has stopped and it was a beautiful sunny day today. The girls had a playdate this morning at Olivia’s and went to ballet in the afternoon. Sadly, A didn’t want to participate. Not sure what is going on…