Categories May 2008

Did It Go On The Blog?

There is a boy in M&A’s class that they historically haven’t been crazy about. We’ll name him "Eugene". Many days, they come home and say that Eugene was a bad boy. They say, "We like everyone in our class. But…

Categories May 2008

Birthday Party

The girls’ party was a great success. Lots of running around, lots of energy, lots of kids. The guests were: Abigail, Ale, Hannah, Lewis, Evie, Old Aidan, New Aidan, Sydney, Jessica, Michael, Ichi, Sam, Noah, Gabi and Jesse. Winnie-the-Pooh cake…

Categories May 2008

Birthday Party Eve

Tomorrow is a big day: M&A’s birthday party! It’s at the place where they do gymnastics. Should be a lot of fun! And best of all, no clean-up for us. Aunt Darrah, Uncle Jason, Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina are…

Categories May 2008


We had our parent-teacher conferences about M&A this morning. The upshot: no areas of concern. According to their teachers, the girls are lovely, polite, good at sharing, enthusiastic, and on target with their fine and gross motor skills. The only…

Categories May 2008

Comedy Hour

A few funny things: I read the girls a book tonight about a town’s celebration that included a pie-eating contest. I explained to the girls what it was. A said, "I’d like to have a pie test. And then if…

Categories May 2008

Happy Birthday M&A!

M&A turned 4 today!!! Here’s how they spent their fourth birthday: Woke up to Mommy and Daddy singing "Happy Birthday" and taking pictures of them. (Well, that’s not entirely true. M woke up at 6 and asked me to sleep…

Categories May 2008

Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is M&A’s 4th birthday! Very exciting. Tonight, we are making cupcakes for the girls’ celebration at school tomorrow. After school, they are going to Buppie’s house for lunch. On the menu: hot dogs. Then for dinner we are having…

Categories May 2008


My god. What a weekend. It went like this… Saturday morning, up early. Instead of gymnastics, we went to the Kennedy Center for a kids’ concert. Harp/violin/sax, couple of stories including the Three Little Pigs. M&A got to bring a…