Categories May 2009

Doctor Visit

M & A had their five year doctor's checkup today. All looks good! And the best news is – no shots. A, who had been upset since the moment she left school today (actually, for at least a week now), was…

Categories May 2009

Memorial Day

We had a pretty uneventful Memorial Day today. The girls were home in the morning, and then they came to my office with me to get my blackberry looked at (we had an IT migration over the weekend). I showed…

Categories May 2009

Memorial Day mid-Weekend

We've had quite a weekend so far. Yesterday we went to gymnastics and then ran some errands at Chevy Chase Circle. The girls had a good class – handstands against the wall, the "big trampoline", and the moonbounce! We had…

Categories May 2009

Friday, Briefly

I am very tired, so this post will be in shorthand. Early doctor's appointment… grocery shopping at two stores and vet's office before 10:15 AM… off to school for last Pilim Shabbat and Shabbat sing… saw girls dance to "I…

Categories May 2009

Recital Pics

Today was the Pilim class trip to the zoo. Daddy went for most of the trip. Apparently, the class saw the elephants getting a bath, as well as an orangutan climbing on the wires. Daddy took some photos but he…

Categories May 2009

Conferences, Recitals and More

We had parent-teacher conferences today. They went well. The upshot: M is excelling in fine motor skills; she is eager to learn, aware, "a sponge", she has gotten more comfortable with scissors, she is excellent with letters, she is much…

Categories May 2009

Catch Up Post

I have a lot to catch up on. I posted Sunday night when I returned from the college trip with Emily. Yesterday (Monday), the girls had school and Show Tell and Share. A brought a purse she had made from…

Categories May 2009

Friday Night

Busy day today… No school today, so M&A had a playdate here with their friend Vivian. Then it was off to soccer, where M spent more time with me or Imogene on the picnic blanket than playing soccer. (This is…