Categories May 2009

Say it isn’t so…

I just filled out the girls' kindergarten forms. And I also got an email about the end of the year stuff happening at the nursery school. This is quite a transition. And I am very sad about it – I…

Categories May 2009

More Birthday Photos

Save the date. Next Wednesday is the girls' first ballet recital. I was at the dress rehearsal today, and I can say with confidence that it's going to be a good show. M&A have been tearing into their birthday presents.…

Categories May 2009

Drowning In Photos

I am drowning in photos from the party. I will start posting today, but it's going to be a long process. First – a few other things. Here is a pic of some of the bead creations M&A made last…

Categories May 2009

Birthday Wrapup

I am drowning in photos and videos from this weekend, with several able photographers supplying me with their shots, but I am too tired right now to upload and post. I will do so over the course of the week……

Categories May 2009

Pre-Birthday Party

It's the night before M&A's birthday party. The house is clean. The carpet is up. Ron and Dina are here. M has made a birthday sign for the door. Now we wait for the thunderstorms. Here is the castle cake…

Categories May 2009

Birthday Post No. 2

The girls had a lovely birthday celebration tonight. I am too tired to post photos and videos, but there are lots of good ones and I will post them over the next few days. We had a delicious dinner of…

Categories May 2009

Birthday Post No. 1

I am sure that I will post tonight about the girls' birthday, hopefully with some pictures. But first, I have to devote a blog post to my AMAZING niece, Sarah. She is the sweetest person, and so thoughtful and mature.…