Categories May 2010

Heading Home

I am on the Acela heading home from my trip to NY. Luckily, I got on an earlier train and am hoping to see the girls before they go to bed tonight. I definitely miss them a lot, and am…

Categories May 2010

Field Day Pictures

I am still in NY – have had two jam-packed, exhausting, but fun days at the book expo. Tomorrow is the book blogger conference, and then I go home. I really miss the girls! They had Field Day yesterday. The…

Categories May 2010

I See Nothing

This morning I volunteered for Journaling in the girls' class. Their journal entries today were about some seeds that they planted a few weeks ago. Every week they make a new entry in their plant journal and draw what their…

Categories May 2010

A’s Healthy Meal

The girls had a successful trip to the White House today. They saw a lot of the special rooms, but sadly no First Family members. A told me that she saw Bo, but I got independent corroboration that they did…

Categories May 2010

Funny Stuff

I got home tonight early and told the girls that I wanted to do something special with them. I gave them three options: 1) go to the new cupcake place; 2) do Arts and Crafts Night; or 3) snuggle up…

Categories May 2010

More Photos!

We had a good morning AND evening with the girls! No tears, minimal bickering, lots of cooperation. What a pleasure! As part of their homework tonight, the girls had to list some words that end in "EN" "ET" or "ED".…

Categories May 2010


I love the names the girls come up with for their various animals and "pets": A: Pillow pet = Pandy Nora Inchworm = Inchy Worm = Wormy Brown bobblehead dog = Chocolate Chip Spotted bobblehead dog = Spotty M: Pillow…