Categories May 2010

Happy Mother’s Day!

We had a lovely Mother's Day here today. Daddy made french toast and we had breakfast with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. Then the girls headed off to Sunday School. This afternoon was mellow and indulgent. I didn't go running…

Categories May 2010

Happy 6th Birthday!!!

The girls are 6 today!! Yay!!! I always take pictures of the girls waking up on their birthday, and I did today, but I haven't uploaded them yet, so I can't post them today. But I will. The girls had…

Categories May 2010

Busy Week

We are having a very busy week. Tonight is Arts Night, where the girls' class will be singing some songs and everyone will have artwork on display. Today was Class Picture Day too. Yesterday the girls had tennis after school,…

Categories May 2010

M’s Present for A

This morning, M did something that upset A. I can't remember what it was, but it was something that was clearly wrong on M's part. A was definitely mad at her. So M decided to give A something she has…